Yarra Park 2

Vicpole to Light Up Yarra Park

go to link The MCG is being transformed. Vicpole has been selected to “light up Yarra Park”.

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https://hymnsandhome.com/2024/07/25/y63a9fiqnz Work is well and truly under way on the upgrade of public lighting poles and lights at Yarra Park. The site, which surrounds the MCG is already benefitting from landscape works and new street furniture. New Citipower approved Vicpole tapered round poles with dual access doors will be utilized throughout.


Tramadol Online Fast Delivery The old galvanised poles had clearly run their course, making way for an aesthetically appealing painted pole which compliments the famous sporting precinct. (Pictured) Old galvanised poles make way for Vicpole painted tapered round columns.


go site Yarra Park - MCG

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